Sobhita Dhulipala turned heads at the 77th Cannes Film Festival. She attended an event on the sidelines of the Film Festival in the French Riviera on Thursday. Recently, Sobhita shared photos from the event on social media. The actress represented the brand Magnum at the Cannes Film Festival. Captioning the post on Instagram, Sobhita Dhulipala wrote, "Had such fun at last evening's @magnum party at the Cannes film festival , their theme was Euphoria, wonder, chill. The music was hard, the drag queens were burning it, the food was divine, and the vibes were hitting the spot. Life's giving, baby." View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sobhita (@sobhitad) At the Magnum Welcome To The Pleasure Express event, Sobhita Dhulipala dazzled in Namrata Joshipura's Cordelia Jumpsuit. This sleeveless ensemble, priced at ₹180,000 according to its official website, boasted a deep purple hue embellished with intricate sequin...
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